Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sorry so late

Apparently I am the worst at updateing. Sorry SLUT!!! Anyway the 4th was awesome and the weather was great in Ocean City. I heard it was pretty shitty here. I pretty much ate and drank for 5 days and now I believe that Jenny Craig is calling me. What a cow I am. Serioulsy WTF. Umm yeah went to all the local bars and I just can't be around those little wenches that wear the 2 piece Victoria Seacret baithing suits. It just pissed me off but then again give them a few more years a kid and see how they look in those damn strings then. But I mean I got some looks don't get me wrong. I still got it. Too bad I was with my LOVER. Ha ha I hope you all had a great 4th and ate lots and gained weight right along with me.


"Gorgeous Mommy" said...

Have you SEEN the thigh on Paracutes and Wings? And I have what appears to be a pack of hot dogs under my chin. Sexy.

"Gorgeous Mommy" said...

Ok, so I've had some beers. I meant, paracutes and swings, not wings. haha