Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Working Hard

Yes I managed to make it to work today. Thank god my co worker picked up my slack cause being off for two days and coming back to a pile of work is the WORST!!! It was hard getting up on time today thought. I swear I was in the shower thinking how in the hell am I gonna do this every day until I am in my 60's. Jesus I need a sugar daddy!!! I hope all my SAH mom's are having a great day. Trust me I know you all work hard all day long and you all aren't off at 4:30 like I am. But then I go home and continue until bed time. And she better be in bed by 9 tonight cause I need to watch American Idol in peace with a beer in hand. Have a good day friend's.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Sick Day

Yep I did it AGAIN!!! I called in sick today. Well sorry to say but I called Maddie in sick today. I know it's awful because knock on wood she is a healthy 7 soon to be 8 year old and there isn't a thing wrong with her other then an occasional cough from allergies. Sorry I know it's a horrible thing to do but damn it I didn't feel like working today and I went in yesterday finished my work by 11 and said yeah I gotta go Maddie is sick. I feel awful but again I work every day 40 a week or more then I come home and continue to work. It was rainy today and I just wasn't feeling it. Who cares I'm the one that has to make up all the damn work when I get there tomorrow. If I decide to go. HA HA. So today I am going shopping and then maybe a bite to eat and tanning. Then I will go get my little love and come home do homework make dinner and then bath time. So see it's just like I was at work.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Yes that's me...

So yeah the picture is of me last year at the Rusty Rutter. I mean they weren't serving me fast enough so I decided to serve myself. Needless to say this was a weekend that my ex had our daughter and I got a little crazy. OK OK a lot CRAZY. But I still have it in me. I don't care how many people I have fooled by thinking I am just an average single mom who works 40+ a week but I have a serious wild side to me and I don't even think it will go away. I enjoy acting like I am 29 years old again and thinking I look as good as the little 23 year olds. Hey they be may younger and have perky boobs but I have serious skills that come with age age and practice. HA HA I mean your only as old as you act right and just because we have popped out a few kids that doesn't make us any less sexy girls.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Something New

I have found myself reading my friends blogs and realizing that I am not the only mother out there even me friends who I thought every thing was great and never thought I was the only one that had thoughts of guilt, being pissed off or just wanting to run away from MOTHERHOOD!!!